
Welcome to my first blog post!

I guess I should start by telling you why I decided to start this blog. Our lives are about to get pretty crazy around here, and I thought this would be a good way to document all of our happenings. I’ll be heading back to work in a month, which will be a huge transition for me and will probably include many evenings of homework and studying to get back in the game. As well, I’m still trying to finish up my TEFL training, with no end in sight. Freya will be heading to day care, which means endless evening snuggles (fingers crossed), followed with numerous nighttime wakeup calls. So I think now more than ever, I’ll need some ME time. I need to slow down and dedicate time toward self-love and creativity. This will be a great place for me to reflect on our week through words and pictures, sharing our little world with you.

It’s so hard to believe, but this little monkey is already 10 months old. Where has the time gone?!  It seems like just yesterday that I was calling John home from work because my contractions were getting intense, and now look at her, a whopping

18lb, 8oz!!


We’ve been keeping things pretty low key over the past few weeks, trying to get back into our daily and weekly routine and to genuinely enjoy every day together. This has meant saying NO to a lot of people, which is something that I’m still getting used to. Trying to make other momma friends in this small town has been a little difficult, so I have always pushed myself to get out there and have playdates and coffee dates as much as I could, even if it didn’t jive with Freya’s nap schedule. With our summer (and with that, my maternity leave) winding down, I’ve come to the realization that these carefree and lazy one-on-one days with my babe will soon come to an end, and so I need to cherish every single minute.

We are looking forward to spending our three day weekend together, visiting some nearby hot springs and slowing things down a bit in the country.

xo – ali

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